公開特別講義「幼児教育のエスノグラフィ」のお知らせ Open Public Lecture “Ethnography of Japanese Early Childhood Education”
日時:2019年12月14日(土)2:30-4:30 p.m. (2 p.m. 開場)
場所:明治大学駿河台キャンパス・グローバルフロント1階 グローバルホール
榊原洋一(小児科医・Child Research Net 所長)、町山太郎(幼保連携型認定こども園・まどか幼稚園 園長)入場無料
We are pleased to announce this open public lecture to share the findings of the book Ethnography of Japanese Early Childhood Education will be held at the Global Hall of Global Front, Meiji University, Campus on 14 December 2019, at 2:30-4:30 p.m.
This open lecture will feature a talk, with video-clips, by the book’s authors, Akiko Hayashi and Joseph Tobin, followed by a discussion by panelists Yoichi Sakakihara and Taro Machiyama. The event will focus on defining key characteristics of Japanese Early Childhood Education, including the meaning of teaching, how Japanese teachers teach with their bodies and Japanese preschools support children’s social-emotional development. These questions will be explored from the perspectives of child development, anthropology, educational sociology, and pedagogy.
This book, based on a collaboration between a Japanese and an American researcher, presents findings from their video-based study of three Japanese preschools, one a youchien (kindergarten), one a hoikuen (day-care center), and one a signing program in a school for the deaf. The book, in words and images (200 pictures), sheds light on implicit cultural practices of Japanese preschool educators.
Please join this discussion about Japanese early childhood education. We would like to invite scholars, teachers, policymakers, students, parents (Japanese and foreign) and the public who are interested in Japanese culture and education to also join us. The event will be conducted in both Japanese and English.
Link: https://forms.gle/Y2J5B7wSZJsKgTeCA
Attached below is the poster and further details of the forum.
Thank you.