Research Projects

社会性や情緒の発達/Social-Emotional Development

幼児教育のエスノグラフィ An Ethnography of Early Childhood Education

  • 日本の幼稚園・保育所に通う子どもたちは「日本人らしさ」を学んでいるのでしょうか。先生たちは「日本人らしい教え方と考え方」を持ち合わせているのでしょうか。この本は、どのように日本の幼稚園・保育所が子どもたちの社会性や情緒の発達を支え、社会への足場かけとしての役割を果たすのかに着目しています。





    まどか幼稚園 幼稚園教諭(本書登場人物)
  • This book focuses on defining key characteristics of Japanese Early Childhood Education, including the meaning of teaching, how Japanese preschool teachers teach with their bodies and how Japanese preschools support children’s social-emotional development.

    This book presents findings from a video-based study of observation in 3 Japanese preschools (a kindergarten, a day-care center, and a signing program in a school for the deaf) and of interviews with 45 preschool teachers. The book, through description and approximately 200 images, sheds light on implicit cultural practices of Japanese preschool educators from an anthropological perspective.

    I would like to invite you to read the story of how Japanese children become Japanese at preschools in Japan.

    Reader’s voice:

    It is very interesting to see how the author goes deep into a typical practice in everyday life in preschool. I also appreciate that the author found meanings in our practices. That gives me a chance to reflect my own practices. As a preschool teacher, I am happy to have this book in print, and I believe other preschool teachers in Japan also would feel the same.

    Madoka Yochien, Preschool Teacher (a featured teacher in the book)