国際比較教育研究/International Comparative Educational Studies
3カ国における熟練幼稚園教師 −日本・中国・アメリカ− Teaching Expertise in Three Countries − Japan, China, and the US −

I would like to introduce the research project that I am currently working on. This is a study of the development of expertise in preschool teaching in three countries: Japan, China, and the United States. This study focuses on continuity and change in preschool teachers over a period of a dozen years. The research team in 2002 made videos showing typical days in six preschool classrooms, two each in Japan, China, and the US. In 2017, I showed the six teachers featured in that study the videos shot in their classrooms fifteen years earlier and ask them to reflect on how they have changed over the intervening years and what has contributed to their development as a teacher. I am going to write findings soon.
本研究はJSPS科研費 JP17K14021の助成を受けたものです。
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17K14021.