
招待講演のお知らせ Invited Talk at Global Research Forum in Early Childhood Education  (hosted by PECERA Korea) 

  • 2023年3月31日(金)1:30PM-5PMに開催されるGlobal Research Forum in Early Childhood Education (hosted by PECERA Korea)にて、新刊「Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United States」(3カ国における熟練幼稚園教師ー日本・中国・アメリカー)に関する講演を行います。

  • I’ll be giving a talk on a book I recently published, Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United States (2022), at Global Research Forum in Early Childhood Education hosted by PECERA Korea on Friday, 31 March 2023 (1:30 PM-5 PM).