Archive: Talk
Seminario at Sapienza Universita di Roma
I'll be giving a talk entitled "Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United States", at Sapienza University on Wednesday, Janu...
【講演報告】香港大学:CORE / CERC セミナーシリーズ
2024年11月21日(木)・25日(月)に香港大学にて開催されたCORE(Consortium for Research on Early Childhood Development and Edu...
【Event Report】the University of Hong Kong:CORE / CERE Seminar Series
I gave a talk titled "Preschool in Three Eras in Japan: 1984, 2002 and 2022" and "Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United ...
2024年11月25日(月)3:30PM~5:30PMに香港大学にて開催されるCORE (Consortium for Research on Early Childhood Develpment a...
Invited Talk at the University of Hong Kong
I'll be giving a talk titled "Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United States", at the CORE (Consortium for Research on Ear...
2024年11月21日(木)3:30PM~5:30PMに香港大学にて開催されるCORE (Consortium for Research on Early Childhood Develpment a...
Invited Talk at the University of Hong Kong
I'll be giving a talk titled "Preschool in Three Eras in Japan: 1984, 2002, and 2022", at the CORE (Consortium for Research on Early Childhood Develpm...
2024年11月22日~24日に開催される the 2024 Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (...
Presentation at CESHK 2024 Annual Conference
I'll be presenting a paper titled "Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United States" at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Co...
【Research Video】Keio KGRI ショーケース
2024年3月29日(金)にKeio KGRI 異分野研究交流会にて「社会性と情動の学習ー文化と身体的学習の側面からー」と題して研究発表を行いました。 YouTube:Keio KGRI 研究ショーケ...
【Research Video】Keio KGRI Showcase
On March 29, 2024, I gave a talk titled "Embodied and Social-Emotional Learning in Early Education and Development: If culture is all around us, what ...
2024年8月30日(金)にハワイ大学にて、「Some Japanese ways of conducing comparative and international research」 と題して講...
Invited Talk at University of Hawaii at Manoa
I'll be giving a talk titled "Some Japanese ways of conducing comparative and international research" at Monthly Talks for Graduate Students offered b...
2024年6月16日〜20日に開催される the 27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavio...
Presentation at ISSBD Conference
I'll be presenting a paper titled "Emotionality, Self-regulation, And Prosocial Behavior As Risk Or Protection For Loneliness And Internalizing Emotio...
Invited Talk in Niigata
I'll be giving a talk titled "Japanese Early Childhood Education from Emic and Etic Perspectives" at the conference held byNiigatashiritsuyouchien/Nin...
2023年9月23日(土)に開催されるKorean Society for Early Childhood Education 国際学会にて、日本の幼児教育ー1984年・2002年・2022年ープロジ...
Presidential Invited Talk at the conference of the Korean Society for Early Childhood Education
I'll be giving a talk on preliminary findings from the Preschool in Three Eras in Japan: 1984, 2002, and 2022 project at the international conference ...