招待講演のお知らせ Invited Talk at the University of Hong Kong
2024年11月21日(木)3:30PM~5:30PMに香港大学にて開催されるCORE (Consortium for Research on Early Childhood Develpment and Education) と CERC(Comparative Education Research Center)の Seminar Seriesにて「日本の幼児教育ー1984年・2002年・2022年ー」と題して講演を行います。
I'll be giving a talk titled "Preschool in Three Eras in Japan: 1984, 2002, and 2022", at the CORE (Consortium for Research on Early Childhood Develpment and Education) and CERC (Comparative Education Research Center) Seminar Series at the University of Hong Kong on Thursday, November 21, 2024 (3:30 PM~5:30 PM).