Archive: Talk
2023年8月1日(火)にTEXAS A & M UNIVERSITYにて、著書「Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and th...
Invited Talk at TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY
I'll be giving a talk on a book I published,Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United States (2022) at EDUCATION HUMAN DEVE...
2023年7月23日〜27日に開催される2023 International Academy for Intercultural Research Conference にて、新刊「Teaching ...
Presentation at IAIR Conference
I'll be presenting on a book I recently published,Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United States (2022) at the IAIR Confer...
2023年3月31日(金)1:30PM-5PMに開催されるGlobal Research Forum in Early Childhood Education (hosted by PECERA Ko...
Invited Talk at Global Research Forum in Early Childhood Education (hosted by PECERA Korea)
I’ll be giving a talk on a book I recently published, Teaching Expertise in Three Countries: Japan, China, and the United States (2022), at Global Res...
2022年7月23日〜28日に開催される12th International Academy for Intercultural Research Conference にて、グループ・マシュマロ課題...
Presentation at IAIR Conference
I'll be presenting my latest findings from the Group Marshmallow Test project at the 12th IAIR Conference in Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland from 23-28 J...
2022年4月21日〜26日に開催される AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting 2022 にて、文化とSEL (Social...
Presentation at 2022 AERA ANNUAL MEETING
We will be having symposium focusing on culture and SEL (Social Emotional Learning) at AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting 2022 o...
2021年7月27日〜31日に開催される25th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural ...
Presentation at IACCP 2020+
I'll be presenting my research about Japanese preschool approaches to supporting young children's social-emotional development at 25th International C...