比較教育/Comparative Education 2024

メンバー / Member
- 魚住有咲 / Arisa Uozumi
- 佐藤日向子 / Hinako Sato
- 小林龍ノ介 / Ryunosuke Kobayashi
- 江口夏央 / Nao Eguchi
- 矢野潤弥 / Junya Yano
- 小林緋菜 / Hina Kobayashi
- 辻帆及華 / Honoka Tsuji
- 村上佳蓮 / Karen Murakami
- 風間恵介 / Keisuke Kazama
プロジェクト / Research Projects
- Comparative Analysis of Educational Policies in Japan and Finland
- The Changes in Finnish Education and the Key to Succeed in the "Yutori" Education System
- Education in the Netherlands
- Comparison of education policies in Japan and India
- Comparing Educational Philosophies: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the British and Japanese Education Systems
- What can Japan learn from India to develop human resources strong in mathematics?
- In China and Japan, how do early childhood education policies affect education?
- Analysis of Chinese middle educational policy from political, cultural and economic perspectives.
メンバーの声 / Member’s Voice
I was curious about how different educational policies impact student outcomes and teacher effectiveness and so on. Through reading, discussion, and presentation, I have gained valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of various educational approaches. I can gain many information and answers to my questions and sparked a greater interest in other topics of education.
The reason I took this course was due to my interest in educational systems and my questioning of Japan's uniform education approach. I wanted to learn about education systems in other countries to understand their unique characteristics. For instance, having grown up in Japan, I took cleaning and extracurricular activities for granted, thinking they were universal practices. However, I discovered they are actually quite rare and specific to Japan.
I was pretty confident in my English skill but I thought I wanted improve more. Also, I wanted to broaden my perspective through learning through English.
I learned the educational difference between Japan, the U.S. and China. I also understood the relation between education and national identity in each country.
I decided to join this class, because I knew that this Class provides us an opportunity to learn about international education during my first year of university. In particular, I gained very interesting insights into Japanese education, because it taught me things in the class that I had experienced but had not been aware of. Thank you for 1 year and 4 months !!