
比較教育/Comparative Education 2024


メンバー / Member

  • 増田雄紀 / Yuki Masuda 
  • 土屋瑛湖 / Eiko Tsuchiya
  • 渡邉拓 / Taku Watanabe
  • 松尾信哉 / Shinya Matsuo
  • 松田珠希 / Tamaki Matsuda
  • 竹本美音 / Mio Takemoto
  • 大川耕平 / Kohei Okawa
  • 荒木梨華 / Rika Araki
  • 屋宜盛一郎 / Seiichiro Yagi
  • 中島葵 / Aoi Nakajima

プロジェクト / Research Projects

  • Malaysia’s Education×Religion System
  • Finding a Good Education for Elementary Students: Comparison of Finland and Singapore
  • The Economic Impact of Education in the U.S., China, Japan, and Germany How can Japan improve?
  • Differences of history education between Japan and England
  • The relationship between Japanese orientation and educational policy
  • Comparative Analysis on the University Entrance Exams in China and Japan
  • A Comparative Research of Moral Lessons in Japanese and Hindi Textbooks

メンバーの声 / Member’s Voice

Since I had never had the opportunity to study about other nations' educational systems in a classroom, I found this subject to be quite fascinating. The lecturer presented viewpoints I wouldn't have heard in a typical course, and I particularly appreciated hearing about their experiences and anecdotes, such as their Kenyan acquaintance or about Nepal. Learning about schooling from individuals with such diverse backgrounds was intriguing.

Thank you so much for this year's class!! It was so fun to learn many things about education in English. it was very interesting to hear about the differences in education in various countries at the last presentation by my classmates. To be honest, I would have been happy if I could have gotten to know my classmates better, but I feel it very difficult in classes at university.

Thank you for teaching us and giving us the opportunity to think about education. Although I'm not good at English compared to other members, I'm truly grateful to you for your support and for asking me questions that broaden my thoughts on what I have expressed in words. Thank you for the class.  I was glad to have had the chance to be in your class again!!I really enjoyed the different presentations, by both the other classmates and the guest speakers. It gave me an opportunity to think about education from different viewpoints, and I was able to learn about a lot.  

I am so glad to have taken this class so much. Throughout this class, I can recognize the differences in education of many countries. Also, I was so happy to know students who have many background (for example, who had lived in many countries or studied abroad.)

I was happy to be able to participate in this class. I don't often participate in discussion-style classes like this, so it was a stimulating class for me. Also, there were many people in my age group who had strong opinions about things, so I think that many of them gave me a lot of resource for thinking. This is the third time I have participated in Hayashi's classe, and I think she has always given me kind and careful guidance. Thank you very much. I will visit you when I am in Hiyoshi.

I really enjoyed this class this semester as well. Plenty of discussions provided me with numerous new perspectives from my classmates, which greatly expanded my horizons. I also had a great time with two guest speaker sessions and learned so many new things about the education systems in Nepal and Kenya. For me, the session of the guest speaker from Kenya, was very intriguing. I personally thought that it would be better if we had more opportunities to meet in the classroom and discuss more. I really want to thank you for teaching me a lot. I gained much new knowledge and many perspectives from the comparative education side, which is very different from what I have learned so far in the faculty of business and commerce.