比較教育/Comparative Education

- このセミナーでは、日本・世界各国の教育を比較の視点から学んでいます。日本人研究者・世界の教育研究者の行ってきた、幼児教育をはじめ、初等・中等教育と教育全般に関する社会学的研究、文化人類学的研究、比較教育学的研究を読み進めていきます。また、教育に関するグローバル化やローカル化、教育への文化的要因なども考察していきます。
- This seminar explores international education and Japanese education in comparative perspective. We read sociological, anthropological, and comparative perspectives studies of education, from both Western and Japanese educational researchers. We also cover issues of globalization and localization in education and cultural factors in education.
Annual Report
We have been able to invite guest speakers this semester and learn about education in Algeria and Uzbekistan. Each student conducted a mini-research project (individually and in groups) focusing on the area that she/he is interested in including the United States, Norway, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Germany, France, China, South Korea, and Japan. -
We spent a lot of time to reflect on our own education that we went through till getting here. Hope those reflections from this class would give students positive influence on the rest of their student life at Keio University. -
We have been able to invite guest speakers this semester and learn about education in Nepal and Turkey. Each student conducted a mini-research project focusing on the area that she/he is interested in including the United States, the UK, New Zealand, Philippines, China, Taiwan, Sweden, Israel, Russia, and Japan. -
It seems that we have a good number of members with critical opinions about Japanese education. What might these opinions be after studying from comparative perspectives? Looking forward to seeing their academic journeys.