比較教育/Comparative Education 2021
- 後期からの留学に備えて、日本の教育の特徴を知りたいというメンバーや、留学を終えて、日本を見つめ直したいというメンバーも。様々な動機から集まりました。
- Some of them are planning to go to abroad in fall, some of them are just coming back from the study abroad program. There are all sorts of reasons to come to this seminar. I am glad that we are all here.
メンバー / Member
- 堀 すずか / Suzuka Hori
- 亀山 響吾 / Kyogo Kameyama
- 森田 和浩 / Kazuhiro Morita
- 安部 健希 / Takeki Abe
- 藤川 拓己 / Takumi Fujikawa
- 藤田 ひかる / Hikaru Fujita
- 眞木 勇輝 / Yuki Maki
- 西村 晋志朗 / Shinjiro Nishimura
- 北村 宥人 / Yuto Kitamura
- 柳 恩聰 / Eunchong Yu
- 和田 海月 / Mizuki Wada
- 齋藤 遥 / Haruka Saito
- 井上 七海 / Nanami Inoue
プロジェクト / Research Projects
- The Possibility of Homeschooling in Japan
- Active Learning in Japan and the United States
- A Memory of Japanese Occupation in Asian Countries: Comparative Study of Textbooks
- Teacher's Working Environment and Job Satisfaction: Japan and the United States
メンバーの声 / Member’s Voice
I was able to learn about Japanese education more deeply by comparing with other countries. I thought that comparative study can be applied to not only education field but also other fields.
Before taking this class, I was thinking only about weakness of Japanese education and how to improve the quality of Japanese education. However, based on various data, there are many good points of the Japanese education system compared to other countries in the world. I am glad that my perspective has expanded.