国際化のなかで育ちゆく子どもたち/International Perspectives on Childhood

- 国際化の中、各国・各文化で、どのように子どもたちは育ち、どのように育てられているのか。文化人類学・比較教育学・社会学・文化心理学・発達心理学などの学問領域の研究を取り上げ、多方面から子どもの育ちへの理解を深めていきます。メンバー1人1人、疑問点を設定し、研究プロジェクトを進めています。
- This seminar aims to explore cultural variations in how children are growing up, being reared, and educated in an era of globalization and internationalization. We look at childhood, parenting, and early childhood education from various disciplinary perspectives including anthropology, comparative education, sociology, cultural psychology, and developmental psychology. The seminar member conduct their own research projects (individually or in groups) according to their interest.
Annual Report
We have a small group this year. We’ll try to do something new, such as fieldwork together. -
Face to face classes are back for the first time since 2019. We won't be forgetting the new skills we have learned from online classes during the last two years, but we are thrilled to be able to have lively discussions together in the same space and same time. -
We started the seminar this year under a pandemic. We keep our learning to focus on what we can do “now.”